Sharp minds.
Warm hearts.
Steel spines.

Founders Seminary trains men in conservative convictions, confessional commitments, and courage without compromise to stand unflinchingly firm in our evil age.

Selling point here?

Nibh purus maecenas vestibulum vulputate felis scelerisque dignissim inceptos taciti sociosqu massa

Selling point here?

Nibh purus maecenas vestibulum vulputate felis scelerisque dignissim inceptos taciti sociosqu massa

Selling point here?

Nibh purus maecenas vestibulum vulputate felis scelerisque dignissim inceptos taciti sociosqu massa


$300 per credit hour


Cape Coral, Florida

Weekly Mentoring

A unique opportunity

Master of Divinity

101 credit hours
Who we are
Founders Seminary exists to serve the Triune God of the Holy Scriptures by equipping godly men with the education, aptitude, character, and conviction requisite for effective leadership in the local church.

The Founders Seminary offers a residential Master of Divinity which trains men in conservative convictions, confessional commitments, and courage without compromise to stand unflinchingly firm in our evil age.

Degree Program

What does our Master of Divinity program look like?

Biblical Theology

22 Credits

Systematic Theology

21 Credits

Biblical Interpretation

21 Credits (Includes Greek and Hebrew)

Church History

13 Credits

Applied Theology

18 Credits


6 Credits

Training men who have blood mixed with their convictions

Founders Seminary uniquely offers a program that is intentional in equipping men for ministry with unflinching convictions that are well-informed and humbly held.

About Founders Seminary

We train men in conservative convictions, confessional commitments, and courage without compromise.

Founders Seminary exists to serve the Triune God of the Holy Scriptures by equipping godly men with the education, aptitude, character, and conviction requisite for effective leadership in the local church.

Founders Seminary uniquely offers a program that is intentional in equipping men for ministry with unflinching convictions that are well-informed and humbly held.

Founders Seminary seeks to train men to grow theologically, academically, and professionally to be leaders in the church and the world.

The faculty of Founders Seminary are men of godly character and conviction.